Monday, April 4, 2011

Governance Structure

KDFA is a membership organisation and the supreme body of the organisation is the general assembly that comprises all the paid-up members of the association who meet once ayear. They have final decision  on affairs of the association , they can hire and fire, they select the executive committee guided by the constitution of the association.
The executive committee: composed of 5 members and aboard of representatives from 10 zones, mindful of gender.The committee meets on a quarterly basis.
The secretariat:  The secretariat is the implementation body of the association and it is headed by the organisational coordinator who is the accounting officer of the association.
How we operate.
The secretariat is managed by skilled men and women who have a wealth of experience in farming , community development and training.Every five and more groups in one geographical area constitute a zone  and they choose a zone facilitator who is then trained by the secretariat and oversees the day to day running of projects in the area. Zone facilitators undergo serious training to impart skills in facilitation and subject matter. 
Often training of trainers and refresher sessions are held periodically at district level for all facilitators.During trainings at zone level program staff, District facilitator and zone facilitator team up to train groups for a period not exceeding  5hours.

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