Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Advocacy for women farmers participation in ADCs' leadfership

With the realization of the growing number of women farmer members in Kawambwa DFA it is important that more effort is made to support them so that they realize the full benefits the services that the DFA offers to the community. It is from the background that more than 50% of the population in Kawambwa District is made up of women, whose livelihood is mostly derived from farming. KDFA does also realize that as a district Kawambwa does receive a lot of resources meant to distribute to communities for implementing projects meant to uplift their standard of living. However, these resources are mostly spent on projects which in most cases do not meet the needs of the women farmers. The major reason being that the institutions through which these resources are distributed do not have adequate representation of women members on their committees. To justify this claim, KDFA conducted the baseline survey to investigate the level of women participation in the leadership of the Area Development Committees in Kawambwa. Its therefore, on this background that this report is based.
As KDFA we have found this report a very important tool on which important decisions to support women folk to fully participate in developmental decision making process in Kawambwa District.
I would therefore, encourage all stakeholders and other citizens who have the heart to bring development to poor women to read this report and play a role in identifying areas in which they channel development to them. It is said that: “when you support women you are supporting the entire community”.
We as the DFA have therefore, a noble cause to ensure that our local ADCs are restructured to accommodate more women in decision making positions, and that the Ministry Local Government and Housing revises the decentralization guidelines to ensure clauses that deliberately support women participation in ADCs are enshrined in them. We do expect that all progressive minds in the Kawambwa district and beyond will work with us that achieve this cause.
The activities to support this noble cause are currently beeing funded courtesy of Zambia Governance Foundation. This is a two year programme(2010- 2011)

(A) Community members in Kazembe Village who atended ADC sensitization meeting.

(B) Community members of Munkanta village in Kawambwa Zone after the ADC sensitization meeting

(C) Members of the community in Mawaya Zone attending the ADC sensitization meeting.

(D) Mawaya community members after the ADC sensitization meeting.

(E) Community members of Lengwe Zone attending the ADC sensitization meeting

(F) community members in Muyembe area after the community sensitization meeting on ADCs

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Workers loading a truck at the Main Maize shed-Kawambwa central
KDFA is the sole contractor of  2011 Maize marketing on behalf of Food Reserve Agency(( FRA) Zambia.The association has 15 satellite depots that reach out to all farmers in different areas in the entire Kawambwa District.
Under this program there is Depot Manager, clerk and casual labourers.
For further information about maize marketing in Kawambwa contact us on email: kawambwadistrictdfa@yahoo.com

KDFA> Executive Committee and Staff

 KDFA The Annual genral meeting on 13th/July/2011 and a new executive committtee was democratically elected. Having Gender at heart and in practice the committee of six members. three are female and three Male.To crown it all the chairperson is female ready to take farming to the next level.

1. Executive Committee 2010/2012

Chairperson: Mrs Felistas Moraes

Vice Chairperson: Mr. Dudley Kawandami

Treasurer: Mrs. Gredience Mwape

Vice Treasurer: Mr. Gershom Kasongo

Secretary: Mr George Chishala

Vice Secretary: Mrs.Miriam Chibwe 

2. Staff

Coordinator: Mr Charles Wapalwena

Program Assistant : Mrs. Mwela K.Kasumpa

Accountant: Mr.Baron Mutale

Office Orderly: Mr. Justin Mulenga.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hi All,
Partners, Individuals, Foundations.
Greetings for KDFA-Zambia.
KDFA is a farmers association based in Kawambwa District, Luapula Province Zambia, we are in the process of building our office block that will accommodate all the departments and a conference room which we plan to used as bulking centre for our farmers produce in future.
As you can see in the video we have run short of funds at a critical point when the building still needs, roofing and finishing.
Our humble appeal to all for financial support whether small or big it is most welcome.For details about how you can donate, help out please reach us on email:kawabwafarmersdfa@yahoo.com

We thank you

Monday, April 4, 2011


Current membership: The association has mobilized over 1700 members organised under 76 farmer groups.

According to KDFA constitution membership is open to groups and individuals;
1. Group  of individuals involved in agriculture related activities.

 2. Individual members: should be a person involved in farming ,in-put supply or crop purchasing must be  16years and above.

 Membership  fee. Each member group pays annual subscription amount decided by the annual general assembly.

How do our member farmers benefit.

KDFA is a farmers organisation and our niche is to enhance farming, our members benefit through farming specialised trainings that are practical, relevant. We have communtiy demonstration centres where we train our farmers from, in their local community setting. To add on we encourage group gardening for income generation so that our groups are sustainable and reduce reliance on external assistance.

Major topicsinclude:

Conservation agriculture,Farming techniques-planting calendar, crop spacing, land rights, resource mobilisation, Accountability, group dynamics, Entrepreneurship,value addition  as well as governance issues.

In the near future we are starting a produce bulking centre to assist farmers in marketing their produce through a common voice.

Governance Structure

KDFA is a membership organisation and the supreme body of the organisation is the general assembly that comprises all the paid-up members of the association who meet once ayear. They have final decision  on affairs of the association , they can hire and fire, they select the executive committee guided by the constitution of the association.
The executive committee: composed of 5 members and aboard of representatives from 10 zones, mindful of gender.The committee meets on a quarterly basis.
The secretariat:  The secretariat is the implementation body of the association and it is headed by the organisational coordinator who is the accounting officer of the association.
How we operate.
The secretariat is managed by skilled men and women who have a wealth of experience in farming , community development and training.Every five and more groups in one geographical area constitute a zone  and they choose a zone facilitator who is then trained by the secretariat and oversees the day to day running of projects in the area. Zone facilitators undergo serious training to impart skills in facilitation and subject matter. 
Often training of trainers and refresher sessions are held periodically at district level for all facilitators.During trainings at zone level program staff, District facilitator and zone facilitator team up to train groups for a period not exceeding  5hours.

Brief About KDFA

Kawambwa district farmers association (KDFA) was formed by a group of farmers in 1996 to advance their wellbeing. KDFA brings together farmers through farmer groups. Its initiatives are aimed at promoting democratic governance, good management and transparency.
The association got registered in 1997 under the societies Act number XX of XX in 1997, Registration number: ORS/102/43/147 .
Operation area: The association operates in 10 zones of Kawambwa district targeting small scale farmers. The association has mobilized over 1,354 members organised under 76 farmer groups.
Implementation structure: KDFA has a well structured implementation structure from the district to the grass roots level that ably disseminate information  through its trained community volunteers called zone facilitators, District Facilitators, and Board Representatives.
VISION: Empowered farmer members
MISSION STATEMENT: To improve productivity of small scale farmer members through building marketing and finance linkages, awareness on cross-cutting issues and advocating for good governance and land ownership.
CORE VALUES: Honesty, Accountability, Trustworthy

Thursday, March 24, 2011


New year 2011, New developments for KDFA to move on towards achieving the set goals and strengthen fundraising especially explore the possibilities to raise funds with –in for sustainability. It’s now 3 months on the road to broaden fundraising. A fundraising needs assessment exercise recently concluded revealed a lot of things, potential, possibilities and areas for further emphasis which is expected to contribute lots towards KDFA growth. The recommendations therein have now been interpreted into workable projects and now on the wheels steering towards a conceptualised direction, APPEAL to donors, funders, development workers to support the association achieve the dream as the mission states “To improve productivity of small scale farmer members through building marketing and finance linkages awareness on cross cutting issues and advocating for good governance and land ownership”.
Beginning December 2010 KDFA with support from Action Aid international –Zambia sourced for an Inspirator- Fundraiser to work with the association and implement the among others sustainability mechanisms, expand the funding base, reach out to other funding agencies
A fundraising strategy is underway that clearly maps out clear workable with-in the associations reach ideas to be implemented this will need both external assistance and internal efforts to be realized. Our humble appeal to donor, development agencies that have a heart for a rural farmer to work with us finance one or two of the projects. Reach us on email kawambwafarmersdfa@yahoo.com, kdfa2011@gamil.com .


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We take this opportunity to welcome you all to KDFA site as we go along sharing our work , project ideas , challenges may you be on the journey with us as we move on to  A BETTER ZAMBIA for farmers.
      We thank you.