Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Advocacy for women farmers participation in ADCs' leadfership

With the realization of the growing number of women farmer members in Kawambwa DFA it is important that more effort is made to support them so that they realize the full benefits the services that the DFA offers to the community. It is from the background that more than 50% of the population in Kawambwa District is made up of women, whose livelihood is mostly derived from farming. KDFA does also realize that as a district Kawambwa does receive a lot of resources meant to distribute to communities for implementing projects meant to uplift their standard of living. However, these resources are mostly spent on projects which in most cases do not meet the needs of the women farmers. The major reason being that the institutions through which these resources are distributed do not have adequate representation of women members on their committees. To justify this claim, KDFA conducted the baseline survey to investigate the level of women participation in the leadership of the Area Development Committees in Kawambwa. Its therefore, on this background that this report is based.
As KDFA we have found this report a very important tool on which important decisions to support women folk to fully participate in developmental decision making process in Kawambwa District.
I would therefore, encourage all stakeholders and other citizens who have the heart to bring development to poor women to read this report and play a role in identifying areas in which they channel development to them. It is said that: “when you support women you are supporting the entire community”.
We as the DFA have therefore, a noble cause to ensure that our local ADCs are restructured to accommodate more women in decision making positions, and that the Ministry Local Government and Housing revises the decentralization guidelines to ensure clauses that deliberately support women participation in ADCs are enshrined in them. We do expect that all progressive minds in the Kawambwa district and beyond will work with us that achieve this cause.
The activities to support this noble cause are currently beeing funded courtesy of Zambia Governance Foundation. This is a two year programme(2010- 2011)

(A) Community members in Kazembe Village who atended ADC sensitization meeting.

(B) Community members of Munkanta village in Kawambwa Zone after the ADC sensitization meeting

(C) Members of the community in Mawaya Zone attending the ADC sensitization meeting.

(D) Mawaya community members after the ADC sensitization meeting.

(E) Community members of Lengwe Zone attending the ADC sensitization meeting

(F) community members in Muyembe area after the community sensitization meeting on ADCs